Rug & Textile Shows and The New Afghan Rug & Carpet Shipment Arrives In London

The 14th Sartirana Textile Show (STS) will be held from 13th September-16th September 2018 in Sartirana Lomellina at La Pila, in the 17th century rice mill located besides the Sartirana Castle. The fair has been held every year since 2005 and is one of the most important fairs for tribal antique rugs and textiles. The 10th Antique Rug & Textile show (ARTS) will take place from 19th October-21st October 2018 at Greenwich Inn San Francisco. Over the last decade ARTS has become a leading venue in the US for authentic tribal rugs and textiles. London's Oriental Rug Centre has just received a new shipment of Afghan rugs and carpets, including Ziegler and contemporary designed pieces.
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