The Persian rug is an ideal wedding present

When the time comes to purchasing that ideal wedding present for your friends or family's special day, it can be the start of some very deep thinking or even panic. The object of the excise is to give the happy couple a gift that will remind them of their special day and last a life time, you may also achieve the accolade of favourite present. It may seem difficult to be able to judge their taste in rugs, but we have found that quality always wins. That is why a fine Persian rug is the ideal gift, it will fit into most interiors whether they are traditional or contemporary. In some countries the Persian rug has been a traditional wedding gift for thousands of years and could truly last a life time. Persian rugs can be purchased for less than you may imagine. a small hearth rug could be yours from around £250. David J.Wilkins Oriental rug experts have been supplying Persian rugs as wedding presents for over 35 years, and believe there are the ideal wedding gift. so why not give David J.Wilkins a call and arrange an appointment to view the huge stock of Persian rugs in London's Oriental rug warehouses. Tel: 0207 722 7608 Mobile: 07850 923471    
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